Monday, March 14, 2022

Video People of the Bible (1) Abraham




In Genesis the first book of the bible we read about Abraham who lived in the Middle East about 1900 years before the birth of Jesus.


THE CALL OF ABRAHAM. One day God spoke to Abraham telling him three things: 1) He was to leave his homeland for another land that God would give him. 2) God would make him into a great people. 3) God would bless the world through him. Abraham having great faith in God left his homeland with his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot and all his possessions for the land promised to him by God.


ABRAHAM PRAYS FOR TWO EVIL CITIES. God informed Abraham he was to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah situated in the Jordan Valley because of their sins. Abraham asked God would he destroy the cities if there were 50 innocent persons in the cities. God responded he would not destroy the cities if there were that many good persons. Abraham again asked if there were 40,30,20 or even 10 good persons would God destroy the cities. Again God answered he would not harm the cities. Abraham's prayers saved the cities.


THE TESTING OF ABRAHAM. God tested Abraham's faith when he commanded him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Abraham departed with his son to a place God would show him. When they arrived at the designated place, he built an altar and was about to sacrifice his son when an angel commanded him not to harm his son.  God provided him a ram for the sacrifice.  God knew how much Abraham was dedicated to him.


From the above examples we learn of Abraham's strong faith in God, the power of prayer and of Abraham's obedience to God.

Homily - 27B Sunday homily (06 October 2024) God created marriage

  27B SUNDAY HOMILY, MARK 10:2-12, OCTOBER 6, 2024   1. STORY One day an unhappy wife visited a wise man for help to make a drink that...