Sunday, March 27, 2022

Video People of the Bible (5) Moses I


5.  MOSES/1


Moses was the great Hebrew leader who led the Israelites out of Egypt around 1270 years before the birth of Jesus.


THE BIRTH OF MOSES. The parents of Moses were forced to abandon him at birth due to the Egyptian policy that Hebrew male infants must be killed. Rather than do this, his parents put him in a basket and set him free on the Nile River. The basket was discovered by an Egyptian princess who rescued and adopted him, and he grew up in her household.


THE CALL OF MOSES. Moses fled to a nearby country for safety reasons. One day while caring for a flock of sheep, God appeared to him and ordered him to rescue the Hebrews who were suffering at the hands of the Egyptians by leading them out of Egypt. Moses was to tell the King that his God had ordered him to do this.


THE PASSOVER. God told Moses that the Hebrews were to eat a meal of lamb. The lamb's blood was to be smeared on the door of the house. An angel would pass over the land and would not harm anyone who lived in the homes with blood on the door.  However, the angel would kill the first born son of the houses with no blood. That night the Hebrews would leave the country. This event became the feast of the Passover.


Moses was chosen by God for the difficult task of saving the suffering Hebrews by leading them out of Egypt. He humbly obeyed God.

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