Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 16


Audio script

16/Romans, Chapter Sixteen.

Romans Chapter 16

 1. 16:1-2 Phoebe

16/1, PHOEBE. She brought the letter to Rome from Corinth. Cenchreae was the port of Corinth on the east side of the city. She helped Paul very much.

Phoebe (cross) with letter (square/cross) she brought to Rome. She (cross) helped Paul (cross) very much.


2. 16:3-4 Aquila and Prisca

16/2, AQUILA AND PRISCA. They were Jewish Christians expelled from Rome by Emperor Claudius. They moved to Corinth and were tent makers. They helped Paul in his work.

The two (cross) we expelled from Rome (buildings) and they (crosses) helped Paul (cross).


3. 16:17-20 Against factions

16/3, AGAINST FACTIONS. Paul tells the Church to avoid some people who cause trouble in the community by what they teach which is contrary to sound doctrine.

Paul (cross) advises the Church to avoid troublemakers (square/X) in the Church (church). 


4. 16:21-23 Greetings from Corinth

16/4, GREETINGS FROM CORINTH. Paul sends greetings from his friend in Corinth where he wrote Romans. Tertius wrote down what Paul dictated to him.

Paul’s (cross) letter to Romans (crosses) was written down by Tertius (cross/pen). 


5. 16:25-26 Final praise

16/5, FINAL PRAISE. Paul ends the letter by praising God. The mystery revealed is that forgiveness of sins comes through faith in Jesus and baptism.

Paul (cross) proclaims forgiveness comes from faith in Jesus (triangle/cross) and baptism (water being poured).

Link to Romans Chapter 16 notes:


Monday, April 11, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 15


Audio script

15/Romans, Chapter Fifteen.

Romans Chapter 15

 1. 15:1-6 Support the weak

15/1, SUPPORT THE WEAK. The strong members of the community should support the weak. Christ is our model and the scriptures encourages us to do so.

The Christian (cross) helps the poor (bent figure) and the Bible (square/cross) and Jesus (triangle/cross) are our models. 


2. 15:7-13 An appeal for unity

15/2, AN APPEAL FOR UNITY. The strong and the weak should welcome one another as Christ welcomed them. All should work for unity.

The Christian (cross) helps the weak (holding stick) two Christians hold hands.


 3. 15:14-21 Paul’s mission work

15/3, PAUI’S MISSION WORK. Paul has carried out his mission of preaching the Gospel in present Turkey and Greece. He praises the Church in Rome.

Paul (cross) preached the gospel (square/cross) and praises the Church (building) in Rome. 


4. 15:22-29 Paul’s future plans

15/4, PAUL’S FUTURE PLANS. Paul plans to go to Jerusalem to give the Church the money he collected. He will return through Rome and go to Spain.

Paul with money (bag) for Church in Jerusalem (church) then return (stick) through Rome (buildings) for Spain.


5. 15:30-33 Paul’s request for prayers

15/5, PAUL’S REQUEST FOR PRAYERS. Paul asks for prayers so that his trip to Jerusalem will be successful and he can return safely to Rome.

Paul kneeling (cross) asks for prayers (folded hands) for a safe trip (stick) to Jerusalem and return to Rome (church).

Link to Romans Chapter 15 notes:


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 14


Audio script

14/Romans, Chapter Fourteen.

Romans Chapter 14

1. 14:1-4 The weak and the strong


The ones who only eat vegetables, the “weak”, and the ones who eat everything, the “strong”, should respect each other.

The ones who only eat vegetables (table with one thing) and the ones who eat everything (table with several things) should respect one another (two persons).


2. 14:5-9 Observing Holy Days

14/2, OBSERVING HOLY DAYS. Some observed holy days and some did not. What was important was to do all for God’s glory rather than observing or not observing holy days.

A Christian (cross) observes holy days (square/lines) and another (cross) does not (line/square/lines) must have mutual respect (heart).


3. 14:10-12 Don’t judge others

14/3, DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS. Christians should not judge others whether they are “weak” or “strong.” All Christians must bend their knees before God.

A Christian (cross) should not judge (scale) others but must respect God two Christians(cross).


4. 14:13-18 Respect the weak

14/4 RESPECT THE WEAK. The strong who believe all food is clean must be sensitive to the feelings of the weak and not to offend them. The strong must give a good example.

The strong (table/three things) must not offend (hammer/arrow) the weak (table/one item).


5. 14:19-23 Seek peace

14/5, SEEK PEACE. Both the strong and weak must work for peace and unity in the community. The strong must not be a stumbling block to the weak.

Two Christians (crosses) must work for peace (hands/together) and the strong must not be a stumbling to the weak (holding hands).

Link to Romans Chapter 14 notes:


Saturday, April 9, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 13


Audio script

13/Romans, Chapter Thirteen.

Romans Chapter 13

1. 13:1-4 Civil authority

13/1 CIVIL AUTHORITY. Christians must obey civil authority who are acting properly seeking the common good. Thus obedience is a form of obedience to God.

Christians (cross) must obey civil authority (crown/sword) and thus are obeying God (triangle).


2. 13:5-7 Paying taxes

13/2, PAYING TAXES. One must pay taxes not only for fear of punishment but because of a moral obligation to do so. Civil authorities are God’s representatives.

Christians (cross) must pay taxes (money bag) to civil authorities (crown/sword).


3. 13:8-10 Love one another

13/3, LOVE ONE ANOTHER. The one who loves another has fulfilled the law. You are to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Love does no evil to one’s neighbor.

The Christian (cross) must love (heart) one’s neighbor (cross).


 4. 13:11-12 Be awake

13/4, BE AWAKE. Christians are to be aware that Christ will be coming soon. They must stop doing evil as is often done at night because daylight is near.

A Christian (face) must be aware of that Christ (crown/triangle/cross) is coming soon and so stop doing evil (line/square/x).


5. 13:13-14 Put on Jesus

13/5, PUT ON JESUS. Christians must live virtuous lives and stop committing sexual sins and drunkenness. They must follow the example of Jesus.

Christians (cross) must reject drunkenness (glass and bottle) and follow the example of Jesus (crown/triangle/cross).

Link to Romans Chapter 13 notes:


Friday, April 8, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 12


Audio script

12/Romans, Chapter Twelve.

Romans Chapter 12

1. 12:1-2 The sacrifice of our body and mind


12/1, THE SACRIFICE OF OUR BODY AND MINDS. Christians try to overcome evil with good. They are not to follow the example of this world but should seek the will of God.

The Christian (cross) rejects evil (square/x) and the Christian (cross) follows God’s will and helps the poor (bent human).


2. 12:3-8 Gifts of the church

12/2, GIFTS OF THE CHURCH. The Church, the one body, is a moral union of the members who are to be humble and share their gifts for the good of all.

The Church (building) has members (cross) who share their gifts (square/cross) with others. 


3. 12:9-13 Mutual love

12/3, MUTUAL LOVE. Christians are to love one another, show honor to all, endure sufferings, continue to pray and help those in need. Thus, you serve Jesus.

Love one another (two crosses) and help (person/cross) the needy (bent person). 


4. 12:14-18 How to treat others

12/4, HOW TO TREAT OTHERS. Paul encourages charity to all, even to our enemies. One must be humble, do not take revenge and live at peace with all.

The Christian (cross) must help others (bent human) and live in peace (two crosses). 


5. 12:19-21 How to treat enemies

12/5, HOW TO TREAT ENEMIES. One must not take revenge on an enemy. God will judge the enemy on the day of judgment. Help the hungry and thirsty enemy. One is to conquer evil by doing good.

God (triangle) will judge (scale) the enemy (square/x).

Link to Romans Chapter 12 notes:


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 11


Audio script

11/Romans, Chapter Eleven.

Romans Chapter 11

1. 11:1-10 The remnant

11/1, THE REMNANT. Not all Jews rejected Jesus. There was a group like Paul who accepted Jesus as the Messiah/Savior. OT passages are proof of this.

The Jews (circle/line) accepted Jesus (triangle/cross) as

Messiah (crown/triangle/cross).


2. 11:11-16 The salvation of the Gentiles

11/2, THE SALVATION OF THE GENTILES. The Jews rejection of Jesus has been providential in that the apostles turned from them to the Gentiles. The Gentiles are not to be proud.

The Jews (circle/line) rejection of Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) resulted in the apostles (cross) turned to the Gentiles (circle). 


3. 11:17-24 The olive tree

11/3, THE OLIVE TREE. The Gentiles who have been made members of God’s family are not to look down on the Jews who will some

day accept Jesus as the Messiah/Savior.

The Gentiles (circle) should not look down on the Jews (circle/line) who will someday accept Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) as Messiah/Savior. 


4. 11:25-29 Israel to be saved

11/4, ISRAEL TO BE SAVED. Israel’s unbelief is used to help the Gentiles to believe in Jesus. Israel will eventually be saved. In God’s plan mercy is to be shown to all.

The Jews (circle/line) rejection of Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) will eventually accept Jesus (crown/triangle/cross) as Messiah/Savior. 


5. 11:30-36 God’s mercy

11/5, GOD’S MERCY. All Jews and Gentiles as a group have been unfaithful to God who uses this infidelity to show to all of them his mercy and to show what kind of God he really is.

The Gentiles (circle) and Jews (circle/line) have been unfaithful to God (crown/triangle/cross) yet God is merciful to them (heart/Gentile/Jew).

Link to Romans Chapter 11 notes:


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 10


Audio script

10/Romans, Chapter Ten.

Romans Chapter 10

1. 10:1-4 The Jew’s failure

10/1, THE JEWS’ FAILURE. Paul is sad about the failure of the Jews. They missed the real meaning of God’s saving power and thus refused to follow it.

Paul is sad (face) about the Jewish rejection (middle figure) of God’s (triangle) saving power (kneeling figure).


 2. 10:5-9 The new way to forgiveness

10/2, THE NEW WAY TO FORGIVENESS. The new way is easy. One only has to believe in his heart and say it with his mouth that Jesus is the Messiah, savior.

One must believe in the heart (heart/crown) and say it with his mouth (crown/face) that Jesus (triangle/cross) is the Messiah (crown).


3. 10:10-13 What to believe

10/3, WHAT TO BELIEVE. Jews and Gentiles will be saved if they believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, Son of God.

Gentiles and Jews (circle/ circle and line) must believe (heart) and say (face) Jesus is Lord and Son of God (crown/ triangle with cross).


 4. 10:14-17 The preaching of the Gospel

10/4, THE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL. The word has been preached to the Jews. They have heard it but not all the Jews have accepted the good news.

The gospel (square/cross) was preached to the Jews (circle/line) but some have rejected it (hands up/triangle/cross).


5. 10:18-21 Obeying the Gospel

10/5, OBEYING THE GOSPEL. The Gentiles heard, understood and accepted Jesus. The Jews also heard, understood but rejected Jesus as being the Messiah, savior.

The Gentiles (circle) accepted the gospel (square/cross) but the Jews (circle/line) rejected the gospel (square/cross).

Link to Romans Chapter 10 notes:


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 9

Audio script

9/Romans, Chapter Nine.

Romans Chapter 9

1. 9:1-5 Paul loves the Jews

9/1, PAUL LOVES THE JEWS. Though the Jews as a s whole rejected Jesus as the Messiah, Paul loves them as a people blessed by God with 7 blessings.

The Jews (circle/line) rejected Jesus (triangle/cross) but Paul (cross) loved them (circle/line).


 2. 9:6-13 Israel’s rejection

9/2, ISRAEL’S REJECTION. This does not mean God’s promise has failed. The OT promises were not made to Israel in the sense of physical descent but to the Israel of faith.

God’s (triangle) promises to Israel did not fail (big/ line/circle/line). God (triangle) promises were to the Israel (circle/line) of faith (connected lines).


 3. 9:14-24 God as a potter

9/3, GOD AS A POTTER. This example shows God as creator and governor of the universe. It stressed God’s power, dominion and freedom.

God (triangle) is like a potter (vase) who controls (man) the world (circle/lines).


4. 9:25-29 Hosea and Isaiah

9/4, HOSEA AND ISAIAH. Hosea’s words (v.25-26) speak about God’s election and his choice of those who were unworthy to be chosen. Isaiah said some Jews (a remnant) chose Jesus.

Some Jews (circle/line) rejected Jesus (circle/line) some Jews (circle/line) accepted Jesus (triangle/cross).



5. 9:30-33 Conversion of the Gentiles

9/5, CONVERSION OF THE GENTILES. The Gentiles were converted because they beloved in Jesus. Most Jews failed to be converted because they failed to believe in Jesus.

Some Jews (circle/line) rejected Jesus (triangle/cross) and some Jews (circle/line) believed Jesus (triangle/cross).

Link to Romans Chapter 9 notes:


Monday, April 4, 2022

Video - Romans chapter 8


Audio script
8/Romans, Chapter Eight.

Romans Chapter 8

1. 8:1-4 Living as a Christian

8/1, LIVING AS A CHRISTIAN. Cooperation with the grace of God given at baptism is necessary for one to live a Christian life.

A Christian (cross) with God’s grace (triangle) leads a Christian life (road of life).


2. 8:5-13 Flesh and spirit

8/2, FLESH AND SPIRIT. If one lives according to the flesh, that is whose motivation in life is a self-centered interest, will die spiritually. To live by the spirit, one will live spiritually.

The Christian (cross) who’s lives by the flesh will, die spiritually (man in casket). The Christian (cross) with God’s help (triangle) will live spiritually (raised hands).


3. 8:14-17 Adopted children of God


8/3, ADOPTED CHILDREN OF GOD. The Spirit gives new life and establishes the relationship of an adopted son and heir and taken into the family of God, the Catholic Church.

The Spirit (triangle) makes the Catholic (cross) and adopted child of God (triangle/ cross/two lines) and a member of the Catholic Church (triangle/crosses/ two lines).


4. 8:18-27 Created world


8/4, THE CREATED WORLD. God, though he cursed the ground because of Adam’s sin, still gave it a hope of sharing in human redemption or liberation.

God (triangle) though cursed the world (line through) the circle (world) gave it (circle) hope of liberation (lines).


5. 8:28-39 Love of Christ

8/5, LOVE OF CHRIST. No dangers or troubles of life can make the true Christian forget the love of Christ made known to human beings in his death and resurrection.

No troubles (hammer) can make the Christian (cross) forget the love (heart) of Christ (triangle/cross) because of his death and resurrection (cross/raised hands).

Link to Romans Chapter 8 notes:


1C Lent Sunday homily - Jesus rejects temptations (9 March 2025)

  1C LENT SUNDAY HOMILY, LUKE 4:1-13 MARCH 9, 2025 1. STORY There was a king who was seriously ill.   He commanded all the beautiful g...