Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 20


Audio script

20/Revelation, Chapter Twenty.

Revelation Chapter 20

1.      20:1-3 Binding of satan

Satan is imprisoned for a long time (1000 years).  This represents the victory over satan by Christ.

2.      20:4-6 First judgment

The judges were faithful followers of Jesus.  They will reign with Christ for 1000 years.

3.      20:7-10 The release of satan

The devil will attack God’s people but God will destroy them with fire.  And the devil will be put into the pool of fire.

4.      20:11-12 Last judgment

One is judged by 

(i)   His name must be in the book of life;

(ii) One’s work recorded in the book of life

5.      20:13-15 Pool of fire

All the dead were judged by their deeds.  Those not in the book of life were thrown into hell, the pool of fire.

Video - Revelation chapter 19


Audio script

19/Revelation, Chapter Nineteen.

Revelation Chapter 19

1.      19:1-4 Rejoicing in heaven

This tells us of God’s victory over Rome (Babylon) as divine judge and warrior.

2.      19:5-10 Marriage of the lamb

This symbolizes the union of the exalted Christ with the faithful who endured to the end.

3.      19:11-16 The 2nd coming of Christ

This passage is the appearance of the exalted Christ as judge of the world.

4.      19:17-18 Call to the banquet

The birds of the air are invited to feast on those killed in war.

5.      19:19-20 The final battle

Christ defeats the Roman empire (beast) who is punished (fiery pool) and the rest of the enemy is killed.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Homily - 21A Sunday homily (27 August 2023) Peter is the Rock




Next to the church where I was living, a company was preparing to put up a new building.  The first thing was to dig out a hole as deep as a ten-story building.  After this very time-consuming job was finished, a steel frame was constructed in the hole and then the hole was filled with a great amount of concrete.  When this deep and strong foundation was finished, the construction company put up a 30-story building.  I was sure that this building with such a strong foundation, could withstand any typhoon, storm, or earthquake.  As a building needs a strong foundation, so does a Church need a good leader.


2. GOSPEL, MATTHEW 16:13-20


There were two types of people. There were those who knew who Jesus was and the vast majority who did not know who Jesus was. Some thought he was John the Baptist, or Elijah, or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.  Peter and the disciples knew that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the living God. 


Jesus gave Peter a new job.  He was the Rock and on that rock, Jesus would build his new Church.  This means that Peter would be the leader of this new Church, and along with the disciples, they would preach the Good News about Jesus and invite them to be followers of Jesus.




What a blessing it is for us to know Jesus, the Son of God.  It’s like having an opportunity to know the Pope or the president of a country. There are two things we must do.  First, we must love Jesus, obey him, and continue his work.  Second, we must help others to know and love Jesus.  The greatest things we can do for others is to introduce Jesus to them.  Their lives will change for the better. 


Just as the leaders of the Catholic Church have a responsibility to the whole Church, we as members also have a responsibility toward the Church.  First, we must live in peace and harmony with our brothers and sisters.  Second, we must help needy members of our community. Third, we must invite others to know Jesus and become his followers by becoming Catholics just as the disciples did.



A building needs to be built on a strong foundation to withstand storms, rain, and earthquakes.  Only a few people knew Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God.  Jesus selected Peter to be the rock, the foundation, the leader of the Catholic Church.  We are blessed knowing Jesus.  We need to help others to know Jesus, and we must be good members of the Catholic Church.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Homily - 20A Sunday homily (20 August 2023) A mother pleads for help



20A Sunday HOMILY, MATTHEW 15:21­-28, AUGUST 20, 2023 


There were two tribes who were always fighting.  One lived in the lowlands and the other in the high mountains.  One day the mountain people invaded the lowlands, stole many items, and kidnapped a baby. Though the lowland tribe did not know how to climb the mountains nor the mountain trails, they sent their best fighting men up the mountain to bring the baby back.  After several days of effort, they made little progress.  They felt hopeless and helpless so decided to return to their village below.  As they packed their gear for the descent, they saw the baby’s mother walking toward them with her baby strapped to her back.  They were amazed and asked her how she did this when they failed.  She replied, “It wasn’t your baby.”  The mother made every effort to rescue her child.


2. GOSPEL, MATTHEW 15:21­-28


The mother could not cure her daughter but helped her in two ways. First, she used her power of speech to make known her need and to ask for help.  “Lord, my daughter is terribly troubled by a demon.” Second, she had great faith in the power of Jesus to cure her daughter.  She knew if she kept on asking, Jesus would help her. 


At first Jesus refused to help her because he was sent to help the Israelites, and the mother was not one of them.  But because of the woman’s strong faith, Jesus had a change of heart.  He cured the daughter. “Woman you have great faith.  Your wish will come to pass. That very moment her daughter got better.”




There are many people who need our help.  Our family, our friends, the sick, the elderly, the lonely, the confused, the poor, and many more. We may not solve their problems, but we can help them.  First, we pray for them daily asking God to care for these needy persons.  Second, we pray with faith in Jesus that he will definitely help them in his own way and in his own time.  We follow the example of the mother in the gospel. 


We believe that Jesus loves us, cares for us and has the power to help us. We know that he listens to our prayers.  We must not expect immediate results.  We must not be discouraged but must persevere in praying.  Jesus will give us the strength to accept his will.  He may not cure the needy person but will give them strength to accept their cross.



The mother whose child was kidnapped made every effort to find her child.  Because of her determination to find the child, she finally succeeded.  We, too, should have the same desire to help those in need.  We do this by praying daily that Jesus will help us in his own way and in his own time.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 18


Audio script

18/Revelation, Chapter Eighteen.

Revelation Chapter 18

1.      18:1-3 Babylon is fallen

Rome is said to be fallen and full of unclean birds and beasts.

2.      18:4-8 Leave Rome

Christians are encouraged to leave Rome before it is invaded and destroyed by fire.

3.      18:9-17A Kings and merchants

Kings will mourn the fall.  Merchants will mourn as they lose their business.

4.      18:17B-20 Ship captains

They mourn the fall because they no longer will get rich from Rome.

5.      18:21-24 Silence of Rome

There will no music, no craftsmen working, no lamps lite and no marriages in the fallen city.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 17


Audio script

17/Revelation, Chapter Seventeen.

Revelation Chapter 17

1.      17:1-2 Great harlot

The harlot is Rome. The nations cooperated with her and were influenced by her power and wealth.

2.      17:3-6A Wild beast

It was the Roman empire.  The harlot drunk means the many Christians killed under Nero’s and Domitian’s persecutions.

3.      17:6B-8 Nero

There was a belief that the dead Nero would return to life to attack Rome.  The new Nero, Domitian, is destined for destruction.

4.      17:9-14 Seven Kings

The 7 emperors from 27 B.C. excluding Domitian, who is the 8th emperor.  The 10 horns represent 10 provincial rulers.

5.      17:15-18 Ten horns

The provincial governors will rise up against Rome and burn it.

Video - Revelation chapter 16


Audio script

16/Revelation, Chapter Sixteen.

Revelation Chapter 16

1.      16:1-3 First and second bowl

The bowls are divine punishment of sinners.  The 1st bowl was poured on the earth and the 2nd one on the sea.

2.      16:4-9 Third and fourth bowl

The 3rd one was poured out on the rivers and springs.  The 4th one was poured out on the sun.

3.      16:10-16 Fifth and Sixth bowl

The 5th one was poured out on the throne of the beast, Rome and the 6th one on the Euphrates River.

4.      16:17-19 Seventh bowl

The 7th one was poured into the air causing a violent earthquake.

5.      16:19-21 Rome

Rome and the empire were destroyed.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Video - Revelation chapter 15


Audio script

15/Revelation, Chapter Fifteen.

Revelation Chapter 15

1.      15:1 Seven Plagues

7 angels each holding a bowl to be used to punish the evil doers.  This is the last group of 7 after the 7 seals and the 7 trumpets.

2.      15:2-3A Sea of glass

The victors over the beast stand on glass mingled with fire which symbolizes the sanctity involved in facing God.

3.      15:3B-4 Victory song

Moses and the Israelites sang this song after their escape from the oppression of Egypt as the martyrs escaped from the oppression of the devil.

4.      15:5-6 Tent of testimony

The 7 angels with the 7 bowls come out of the tent which was like the one used by Moses during the Exodus.

5.      15:7-8 Seven gold bowls

They are like the 7 seals and 7 trumpets bringing on a series of disasters modeled in part on the plagues of Egypt.

1C Lent Sunday homily - Jesus rejects temptations (9 March 2025)

  1C LENT SUNDAY HOMILY, LUKE 4:1-13 MARCH 9, 2025 1. STORY There was a king who was seriously ill.   He commanded all the beautiful g...